… to the 2023 recipients of these three honored awards:
Clinic Diagnostician of the Year
David Brunnemer

First given in 2014, this award goes to someone who has worked in the Diagnostic Plant Clinic, serving clients and providing leadership to interns and fellow Master Gardeners. David helped from spring into fall, doing a weekly shift plus many double shifts. His patience and even temperament made both clients and interns feel comfortable and confident working with him. He pays close attention to detail, stays organized, and is an excellent leader and educator.
John Van Miert Master Gardener of the Year
Vic Knox

This award goes to a volunteer who has shown extraordinary dedication, service, and contributions of time, effort, and compassion to fellow Master Gardeners and the community, exceeding requirements for many years. Vic served on the Master Gardener Foundation Board for 6 years, 3 as President. He identified the need for a Foundation website, hired a web designer, and put together MG team to maintain it. Vic had the vision to improve public outreach and disabled access at Hovander Demo Garden. To that end, he formed and lead a committee to redesign the layout of gardens, pathways, and irrigation, and hired a landscape architect to finalize plans. He is still working closely with the committee, garden leads, and County Parks to develop and support garden improvements.
Broken Shovel Award
Jim & Shirley Wilkinson

Inspired by a stash of broken shovels found under the old greenhouse at Hovander, this award is given to an individual who has worked tirelessly in one or more of the WSU Whatcom County Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens. Jim and Shirley have shown outstanding leadership at the WeGrow Garden in downtown Bellingham. They were dependable, cheerful, well-organized, and willing to take on any job that needed to be done. They participated with all the school groups and helped create a positive learning environment for both visitors and other Master Gardeners. Jim and Shirley showed dedication, enthusiasm and commitment to the WeGrow Garden while providing unassuming and positive leadership.