The Master Gardener Foundation of Whatcom County (WMGF)
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports and promotes the Washington State University (WSU) Extension Master Gardener Program of Whatcom County.
Our Mission
Our mission is to support the WSU Whatcom Extension Master Gardener Program through financial support, communication, education and advocacy.
How does the Master Gardener Program work?
The Master Gardener Program is sponsored by WSU Extension. Master Gardeners undergo an extensive training program and internship supervised by WSU. Once certified, Master Gardeners provide education and mentoring to home gardeners about sound and sustainable gardening practices.
How does the Foundation support the Master Gardener Program?
We partner with the WSU Whatcom Master Gardener Program to serve the public in many ways including:
- Raising funds to support and promote the Master Gardener Program. Efforts include multiple plant sales, grant applications, and donor solicitations;
- Funding Master Gardener Program outreach activities, including Ask-A-Master Gardener events, educational gardening-related lectures and workshops, demonstration gardens, and the Extension office Plant Diagnostic Clinic;
- Funding for Master Gardener trainee scholarships and Master Gardener project proposals for educational outreach;
- Funding and managing public demonstration gardens at Hovander Homestead Park and the Roeder Home, in partnership with Whatcom County Parks and Recreation;
- Collaborating with WSU Master Gardener Program management to advance shared goals that provide delivery of science-based best-gardening practices throughout our community;
- Raising and donating more than a ton of food to the Ferndale Food Bank every year.
Foundation History
The WMGF was incorporated in 1997 as a Washington non-profit corporation. Through two formal agreements, the Foundation:
- Partners with the WSU Whatcom Extension in the delivery of research-based horticultural information to Whatcom County citizens, and
- Plans, plants and maintains public demonstration gardens at Hovander Homestead Park and the Roeder Home in partnership with Whatcom County Parks and Recreation.
Foundation Management
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors made up of Master Gardeners, in accordance with our Bylaws. Whatcom Master Gardeners are not required to join the Whatcom Master Gardener Foundation, but only Foundation members may serve on the board, vote on board members, and vote on any matters that might be presented to the foundation membership.
Master Gardeners Foundation Board
President: Marilyn Glenn
Vice President: Pam Newland
Treasurer: Patty Proctor
Secretary: Allison Ronney
Members at Large: Satira Brunnemer, Patty Gilbertson, Deva Katir, Patricia Lulu, Marcia Repaci, Steve Spitzer, Allison Wood